What is The Working Principle of A Drop Tester

The job of a quality-standard factory is not only to manufacture the product but also to maintain its integrity. Among various methods that companies use to accomplish this valuable job is the use of a drop test machine. A drop test machine is also known as a drop tester. It aims to test the strength and resistance of a product against the wear and tear of regular handling within the industry premises.

In this article, we will discuss everything about the drop test machine. So, if you want to know how it works and how an industry can benefit from this unique process, read ahead.

What is A Drop Tester?

Most of us think everything is done once a product is manufactured. But, the reality is far different from this. The job starts after the product leaves the conveyor belt and reaches the finish line of the manufacturing process. This is where the drop tester or drop test machine comes to help.

A drop tester machine is a tool used to determine the impact strength of the product, particularly during its handling and transportation. Imagine you have a new phone and are worried about what might happen if it slips out of your hand. A drop test machine helps determine if the phone can handle such accidents without breaking or getting damaged.

How Does A Drop Test Machine Work?

Like the phone, the product is securely placed in the drop tester. Then, the drop tester lifts it to a certain height, simulating the height from which it could fall. The product fails and hits the ground when released, just like if you accidentally dropped it. Engineers use the drop tester to see if the product can survive this impact without breaking or getting scratched.

It helps companies make better products that can handle everyday accidents. They can use the information from the drop tests to improve the product’s design and materials, ensuring it stays safe even if it takes an unexpected tumble.

drop tester machine

Why Do Companies Need A Drop Test Machine?

There is a potential risk to the safety of our products during distribution from accidents like drops and impacts. Drops often cause damage to goods during handling and transportation, resulting in corrugated cardboard problems like creases, perforations, tears, and fractures. According to statistics, accidental drops cause damage to 11% of shipments going to distribution facilities.

Drop tests simulate handling and distribution scenarios to proactively address and mitigate this issue’s effects. These tests assess the impact of drops and rotational collisions on the products and their packaging, which is the main barrier against these dangers. Businesses whose prosperity depends on ensuring the safe delivery of their products can benefit significantly from using a drop testing machine.

What Benefits Does A Drop Tester Offer?

Drop Tester is a super useful tool for companies. Here are the five main benefits that it can offer.

1. Increased Product Durability

Companies use drop testers to make goods that can withstand mishaps in the real world. These devices mimic what occurs when objects are unintentionally dropped from various heights. By doing this, companies learn where their products might break or get damaged. This valuable information lets them strengthen those weak points so that the products can endure more wear and tear.

2. Reduced Product Waste

Easy product failure is wasteful and frustrating at the same time. Drop test devices aid in reducing this waste. By identifying potential issues early on, companies can fix them before the products are available to customers. Ultimately, fewer products will break into customers’ hands, and less garbage will end up in landfills, benefiting both the environment and the company.

3. Increased Product Safety

Imagine if the glass on your phone shattered into sharp pieces every time it fell. That would be dangerous! Drop test machines ensure that products are safe to use. They assist companies in developing items that reduce the possibility of damage from drops or unintentional handling.

4. Satisfied Customers

We all want products that work well and last long. Drop test machines help companies meet this expectation. Customers buying sturdy and durable products are more likely to be happy with their purchase. This positive experience increases the chances of customers becoming loyal and returning for more.

5. Cost Savings

Fixing problems after a product is already on the market can be expensive. It might involve recalling products, repairing or replacing them, and dealing with unhappy customers. Drop test machines prevent this by catching issues before products hit the shelves. This proactive approach saves companies money, which they can invest in making even better products.

What Products Can Be Tested With Drop Tester?

Drop testers test various items and evaluate how they operate in real-world scenarios. Following are examples of such products.

  1. Consumer Electronics
  2. Packaging and Containers
  3. Industrial Equipment
  4. Automotive Components
  5. Medical Devices
  6. Toys and Recreational Products
  7. Aerospace and Defense
  8. Home Appliances
  9. Fragile Items
  10. E-commerce Packaging
  11. Sports Equipment
  12. Personal Care Products
  13. Electronics Accessories
  14. Construction and Building Materials

These are just some examples, and an extensive range of products are tested with drop test machines. The specific testing parameters, drop heights, and angles can be adjusted to simulate various scenarios the product might encounter during transportation, handling, or everyday use

What is The Working Principle of The Drop Tester?

A drop test machine checks how well things can survive falls. Here’s how it works:

1. Choosing Where to Drop

You can pick where the thing will fall from and how it will land – like the corner, side, or flat. It helps make sure the test is accurate.

2. Machine Design

The machine has a big round stick and a unique lifting system to move up and down. It helps position the thing to be tested in the right place quickly and accurately.

3. Safety Measures

The machine has safety features to stop it from breaking too high. It helps keep the machine and the thing being tested safe.

4. Holding Large Things

You can also put big things on a unique holder to test them. This way, you can even try large objects and materials.

5. Letting Things Fall

The machine moves a special blade out of the way, and the thing being tested falls naturally. It helps simulate an actual fall.

6. Choosing How to Test

You can choose where the thing falls from – like a corner, side, or flat on the ground. It helps test different scenarios. The machine also helps keep the thing steady during the test.

So, a drop test machine helps us see how well things can survive falls by dropping them in different ways and ensuring the test is accurate and safe.

drop tester

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, drop testers are like detectives that help companies find weaknesses in their products before they become problems. This way, companies can make products that last longer, keep customers safer, and save money in the long run.
